Shipping Country
Try Before You Buy is limited to shipping to one unique country per Shopify store. Blackcart supports shipping for the following countries: Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.
The currency in which your customers will be able to use Try Before You Buy on your site. Try Before You Buy is limited to one currency per unique Shopify store integration.
Restock on Refund
Blackcart's restock on refund feature is disabled by default.
If this feature is enabled, when a refund is issued, the item is added back to the inventory and the product will be marked as 'restocked' in Shopify.
Please note: This is a global setting that is not based on individual refunds. i.e., if the feature is enabled, all refunded items will be restocked, as there will be no option to disable it for specific items only.
Return Address
The return address added to your returns shipping labels. Merchants are limited to one unique returns address per store.
Return Postal Carrier
Blackcart uses EasyPost to handle shipment tracking and return label generation for Try Before You Buy orders. In the event of a return, your customer will be able to automatically generate their return shipping label from directly within Blackcart's Customer Portal via our EasyPost Integration, where, Blackcart will generate the label directly from your (merchant) carrier account.
We recommend that you update your return carrier in your EasyPost account because carrier information is pulled directly from your EasyPost account.