How to set up returns shipping for Try Before You Buy orders
In the event of a return, your customer will be able to automatically generate their return shipping label from directly within Blackcart's Customer Portal via our EasyPost Integration. Blackcart will generate the label directly from your shipping carrier account.
There are several required steps for setting up your EasyPost account as well as setting up the integration with Blackcart.
How to set up the Blackcart integration with EasyPost
Step 1: Set-up your EasyPost account
- Sign-up for an EasyPost account. If you already have one, skip to Step 2 below.
- Set up Billing & Payment Methods.
- Select your email address in the upper left-hand corner and select billing
- Follow EasyPost's steps for Setting up a payment method to add a bank account or add credit card. EasyPost strongly recommends using a bank account as the primary method of payment as credit cards expire and often get frozen from your issuing bank.
- In addition to your "Primary Method", it is recommend to set up a "Backup Method" as well. This will ensure your account will remain solvent and we can continue shipping your returned packages in the event that your "Primary Method" fails.
- Once your bank account is verified and/or your credit card is set up, you can set up your recharge threshold and recharge amount so that EasyPost can automatically reload your account when funds drop below the threshold.
- Select your email address in the upper left-hand corner and select billing
- Add Carrier Accounts to EasyPost account
- Information about adding a carrier account to EasyPost can be found here.
- Each EasyPost account is automatically provided a USPS account with Commercial Plus Pricing managed by EasyPost.
- If you do not use USPS, additional carrier accounts can be added from the carriers dashboard page or via API.
- To view a complete list of carriers EasyPost supports, go to
Step 2: Connect with Blackcart via your EasyPost API Keys
- From your EasyPost account, select your email address in the upper left-hand corner and select API Keys.
- Copy the Production API Keys from EasyPost and paste them into the Blackcart API Key field in the onboarding wizard.
Blackcart Onboarding Wizard
3. Copy the Test API Keys from EasyPost and paste them into the Blackcart Test API Keys field in the onboarding wizard
Blackcart Onboarding Wizard
4. Once both API Keys have successfully been added to the Blackcart onboarding wizard, you'll be able to move on to the Carrier Account field.
Step 3: Choose your Carrier Account for Blackcart Integration
- Set Carrier Account: Once your EasyPost Account is successfully connected to Blackcart (Step 2), any carrier accounts already connected in your EasyPost account will be automatically imported here for you to select. Note that you are limited to choosing 1 unique carrier account per store.
Blackcart Onboarding Wizard
2. If you have not yet had the chance to set up your carrier account in EasyPost, simply check, I don't have a carrier set up yet, and you can complete this step later on in the onboarding process prior to launch.
If Australia Post is your carrier, note that there are several additional steps you'll need to go through to add Australia Post to EasyPost.
If FedEx SmartPost is your carrier, note that there are several additional steps you'll need to go through to add FedEx SmartPost to EasyPost.
If Canada Post is your carrier, note that there are several unique steps you'll need to go through to add Canada Post to EasyPost.
Blackcart Onboarding Wizard
3. Select Finish