If you're using Google Optimize, you will be required to set up a vanity domain for your Blackcart checkout in order to record purchase events from Blackcart in your Google Optimize experiment results.
Once integrated with Blackcart, the user journey will span 2 different domains - your storefront and Blackcart's checkout. Google Optimize does not allow experiments to run across more than 1 top domain. This help article provides more context around the Google Optimize limitation and Container best practices.
Steps for setting up a vanity domain for your Blackcart checkout
- Determine your subdomain. We suggest using "try", so try.merchantdomain.com
- Create a CNAME for the subdomain of your choosing to origin.blackcart.co.
- Share your subdomain with your Blackcart Merchant Success POC.
- Blackcart will then complete the setup on our side and will confirm with you once it is live.